Understanding Addiction: An Old Dog Learning New Tricks
Marijuana in the Workplace
Alcohol-Impaired Driving: High Tech Approaches to Prevent It
In part one of this series, Judge Brian MacKenzie interviews Judge Michael Haley about his law review article, Drug Court: The Criminal Justice System Rolls the Rock. Judge Haley shares his journey in developing a Drug Treatment Court, the challenges faced, and how these courts provide hope and transform sentencing practices.
Motorcycle Safety Awareness – In May and Beyond
This episode explores the role of alcohol monitoring in ensuring compliance with abstinence clauses in the criminal justice system. Learn about tools like Ignition Interlock Devices, Continuous Alcohol Monitoring, and 24/7 programs, as well as the legal and technological advancements that improve oversight and promote accountability among offenders.
What Happens if the DEA Reclassifies Marijuana?
The 21 Year-Old Minimum Drinking Age Law Still Saving Lives in the U.S.