David Wallace Traffic Safety Expert
Thursday, 03 December 2015 / Published in Podcast
Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is a multi-billion-dollar crime affecting millions worldwide. In this episode, Kimberly Overton Spahos discusses its impact, red flags, and steps we can take to end this modern-day slavery. Learn how you can help combat this global crisis.
You Better Watch Out, I’m Telling You Why: Cops Are Cracking Down on Impaired Driving
David Wallace Traffic Safety Expert
Tuesday, 01 December 2015 / Published in Impaired Driving, Traffic Safety
You Better Watch Out, I’m Telling You Why: Cops Are Cracking Down on Impaired Driving It’s December, a time for joy and sharing special times with family and friends. Are
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Thursday, 26 November 2015 / Published in Drugged Driving, Podcast
Polydrug Abuse and Impaired Driving
Ed Wood of DUID Victim Voices examines DUI cases in Colorado, revealing that polydrug abuse, not just marijuana, is the leading factor in impaired driving fatalities. Delays in blood sampling further complicate impairment detection, raising concerns about current testing methods and policies.
Simply Saving Lives
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Tuesday, 24 November 2015 / Published in Traffic Safety
Simply Saving Lives Older Drivers: Are You Prepared? The Baby Boomers are yet again changing business as usual. There are now both low tech and high tech programs and devices
Cannabis Use: A New Approach to Harm Reduction?
Cannabis Use: A New Approach to Harm Reduction? The topic of marijuana is of growing interest across the world.  At least 10 countries have seen or will see marijuana legalization
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Thursday, 12 November 2015 / Published in Podcast
Psychology in Family Law
Psychology plays a significant role in family law cases, but is it always scientifically valid? Many custody decisions rely on mediators’ recommendations, often based on subjective assessments. This episode explores the impact of psychological evaluations, potential biases, and the need for stronger legal and scientific scrutiny in family law courts.
Today is Veterans Day in the United States.  This means we should think, not just about those veterans who have been killed or physically wounded over the last decade and a
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: Remembering Road Traffic Victims
David Wallace Traffic Safety Expert
Tuesday, 10 November 2015 / Published in Traffic Safety
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: Remembering Road Traffic Victims November 15, 2015, just another Sunday, right? No, not at all. This coming Sunday is much more. It is the United Nations
David Wallace Traffic Safety Expert
Thursday, 05 November 2015 / Published in Podcast
Safe Driving for Veterans
Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for veterans after deployment. The transition from combat driving to civilian roads poses unique risks. Programs like the Veterans’ Safe Driving Initiative help address these challenges through awareness, education, and policy efforts, ensuring veterans stay safe on the road after returning home.
Lawyers as Peacemakers Conference
Lawyers as Peacemakers Conference Pretoria, South Africa I recently had the honor to attend and speak at the “Lawyers as Peacemakers” conference in Pretoria, South Africa. Sponsored by the Institute

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