We Are JSI

JSI Partners and Associates

The Partners of the Justice Speakers Institute


David J. Wallace
The Traffic Safety Guy

With over 25 years of experience, David is a dedicated traffic safety consultant committed to developing justice programs that enhance public safety, reduce recidivism, and change lives. A trusted educator for both the public and justice professionals, he combines deep expertise with practical insights. Alongside his consulting work, David serves as Chief Assistant Prosecuting Attorney in Huron County, Michigan, applying a results-oriented approach to promoting justice and traffic safety.

Vice President of Law Enforcement

Cynthia Herriott
Law Enforcement Expert

Cynthia Herriott is the former police chief for the City of Rochester, New York. She is a criminal justice process improvement professional with years of experience in the field of criminal justice and organizational problem-solving, understanding that a balanced criminal justice process is critical to best-practice outcomes.

Vice President of Community Supervision

Mack Jenkins
Chief Probation Officer

Mack Jenkins is a retired Chief Probation Officer with more than 40 years experience in the criminal justice system. Since retirement Chief Jenkins has continued to work as a consultant. Along with expertise in community corrections, Chief Jenkins has worked for 30 years in treatment courts, building collaborations between the criminal justice and behavioral health systems.

Co-President / Chief Financial Officer

Brian MacKenzie
Judge (Ret.)

Judge MacKenzie (Ret.) is an award winning judicial educator who has written and presented on a broad range of issues including: procedural fairness, veterans treatment courts, domestic violence and court media relations.

The Associates of the Justice Speakers Institute (Alphabetical)

Kevin Burke
Judge (Ret.)

Judge Burke (Ret.), was a trial judge since 1984 and is one of the most recognized leaders within the American judiciary. He received the William H. Rehnquist Award in 2003, an award presented annually to the state judge who most exemplifies the highest level of judicial excellence.

Deborah Chase, J.D., Ph.D.
Families Expert

Dr. Deborah Chase is an attorney with a doctorate in psychology. Formerly with the California Judicial Council, she has written and taught extensively on court technology, operations, and pro se litigation.

Brian Chodrow
Criminal Justice Expert

Brian Chodrow has significant experience in the criminal justice arena. He is an attorney who has also served as a law enforcement officer, probation and parole officer, hearing officer, and investigator, and has developed numerous traffic and criminal justice programs, most recently at the Federal level.

Susan L. Dobrich
Judge (Ret.)

Judge Dobrich (Ret.), specializes in family law, domestic and child protection proceedings. Her primary focus is the vulnerable populations, elderly and children. She has operated a family dependency drug court since 2001 and serves as an instructor for the Michigan Judicial Institute in the areas such as family law, and child protection proceedings.

Moses Ector
Criminal Justice Expert

Moses Ector and a retired police chief is a criminal justice expert with over 45 years of experience in community oriented policing, law enforcement and criminal justice management.

Theresa Ewing
Court Administrator/Director

Theresa Ewing is a 30-year experienced court administrator/director. She was presented with the “Distinguished Service” award by the National Center for State Courts in 2018 for Excellence in Court Administration. She trains in many areas of ethics, Court/Community Collaboration, Court Administration, specifically focusing on court efficiency using data and challenging traditional methods of operations.

Dianne L. Haas, Ph.D., R.N.

Dr. Haas is a tenured health care professional with over 40 years of experience in the industry, serving in clinical, administrative, educational, research and consulting roles. Educated at the graduate level in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing has positioned her well to advocate for infants, children, adolescents and their families through expert witnessing and case review and recommendation.

Michael Haley
Judge (Ret.)

Judge Haley (Ret.) launched and presided over the DWI Court in Traverse City, Michigan for over 15 years until his retirement in 2015. He has presented on several different specialty court issues for both the state and national treatment court associations. He continues to take “visiting judge” assignments when they do not conflict with appointments fly fishing on the Boardman River or mountain biking the trails of Antrim County.

Michael Hill
Chief Magistrate (Ret.)

Chief Magistrate Michael Hill retired in 2015 after a 45 year career in criminal justice in Tasmania, the last 30 of which he served as a Magistrate, Deputy Chief Magistrate and Chief Magistrate. He pioneered alternative and solution focused dispute resolution and the introduction of problem-solving courts in Tasmania.

Harvey Hoffman
Judge (Ret.)

Judge Hoffman is an award winning jurist and a national leader in the development of DWI Courts. He also has expertise in the use of ignition interlock devices. He has presented nationally and internationally on a wide variety of subjects relating to substance use disorders.

Roberta Garson Leis, M.P.A., M.Ed.
Non-profit Management

Roberta Garson Leis spent decades in both government and non-profit management, serving as Executive Director and Board President for multiple agencies. Her expertise is in project and fund development, leadership and negotiation, and building partnerships across disciplines. She is now an independent consultant.

Norman Meyer
Court Administrator, Retired

Norman Meyer is an award winning, internationally recognized writer and speaker on judicial administration, with a lengthy career in both the state and federal U.S. courts. He has done extensive technical assistance work in the areas of technology, human resources and management, space and facilities design, and court operations.

Amy Miles
Director of Forensic Toxicology

Amy Miles is an internationally recognized speaker on forensic toxicology issues including alcohol and drugs as they relate to human performance the DRE program and oral fluid testing.

Danette Montoya

Danette Montoya is a national speaker and advocate dedicated to ending sexual violence. Providing expert testimony for survivors of sexual abuse/assault during legal proceedings. She owns a successful psychotherapy practice specializing in trauma, depression, and substance use disorders. Currently serving with the Veterans Health Administration since 2012, actively involved in the initial diagnostic assessment, consultation and brief treatment of trauma related symptoms amongst veterans.

Thomas Page
Drug Recognition Expert Emeritus

Thomas Page, Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) Emeritus, has been recognized as an expert in alcohol and drug-impairment by courts in twenty-one states. He served the Los Angeles Police Department as the Officer-in-Charge of the DRE Unit.

David Rottman, Ph.D.
Criminal Justice Researcher

Dr. David B. Rottman is one of the most experienced and influential court researchers in the United States. He recently retired from the National Center for State Courts after 33 years of service. His research focuses on core issues of importance for the courts.

Geno Salomone
Judge (Ret.)

Judge Geno Salomone is a well-respected jurist who presided over a Drug/Sobriety Treatment Court for 19 years. He has lectured extensively in Michigan, and the Midwest, on numerous treatment court issues ranging from Sanctions and Incentives to MOUD/MAT and medical marijuana. He has also worked with many treatment court teams throughout Michigan; offering evaluation and facilitation services.

Geoffrey Twitchell, Ph.D.

Dr. Twitchell is a published expert in bridging criminal justice and behavioral health professions for optimal client outcomes. He is a licensed psychologist, international trainer, and developer of a curriculum that equips treatment providers to simultaneously reduce recidivism and address substance use and mental illness. His presentations and trainings incorporate use of the Interprofessional Collaborative Practice model and competencies for more effective interagency functioning when serving complex justice-involved populations at the state and local level.

Alexandra Walker, PhD

Dr. Alexandra Walker has over 20 years of corrections experience where she is a published researcher, skilled facilitator, and organizational coach for leadership teams across the country. As a steward of the science of implementation, Dr. Walker works with agencies large and small to leverage their highest impact strategies through organizational alignment and effective implementation practices.
Legal system expert

Tammy Westcott

Tammy Westcott, J.D. has thirteen years of experience with adult Treatment Courts as a prosecutor, program director, project director/national trainer, and director of Oklahoma Criminal Justice services for Oklahoma. Management of prosecution and program operations for Drug Courts, DUI Courts, Mental Health Courts, and Veterans Treatment Courts.

Gina Wilkie
Supervising Probation Officer

Gina Wilkie, a retired supervising probation officer, spent nearly 20 years working with offenders with mental illness across institutional, field, and court settings. With 12 years in mental health court, she gained deep insight into applying evidence-based practices for effective intervention.

Gayle Williams-Byers

Judge Williams-Byers has served as a trial judge since 2012 and is a nationally recognized educator and judicial fellow for the National Judicial College. Her expertise is in the area of Commercial drivers and federal penalties in Traffic and Criminal Courts along with Access to Justice, Judicial Wellbeing and Procedural Fairness.

JSI Partners and Associates In Action

Judge MacKenzie (Ret.) at the Tennessee Treatment Court Conference
David Wallace speaking at the CEI Booth
Judge MacKenzie (Ret.) at the Department of Justice
David Wallace speaking to judges and court staff in Puerto Rico
Judge Hora (Ret.) speaking on Scientific Evidence in South Dakota
David Wallace moderating an expert panel session
Judge MacKenzie (Ret.) speaking on Procedural Fairness
Judge Burke speaks on Court Docket Management for Wellness
Judge Brian MacKenzie (Ret.) speaking to judges and court staff in Puerto Rico
David Wallace speaking on Procedural Fairness in Italy
Judge MacKenzie (Ret.)
Judge Hora (Ret.) speaking on Procedural Fairness
Judge MacKenzie (Ret.) at the AJA Conference with Meilssa Fitzgerald

In Memoriam

January 20, 1946 - October 31, 2020

Peggy Hora

Judge Hora (Ret.) was a global leader in the solution-focus courts movement. She was an award-winning speaker and trainer with over 25 years experience as an educator. She wrote written comprehensively on justice issues in both national and international publications.

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