Criminal justice reform consultant
Thursday, 29 October 2015 / Published in Podcast
Deflategate Court Decision
This episode of Justice Speaks examines the federal court ruling in the Deflategate case. We break down Judge Berman’s decision, Tom Brady’s suspension, and the arbitration process that led to the case being overturned. Was justice served? Join us as we explore the legal side of this high-profile NFL controversy.
Texting and Driving is More Dangerous than DWI
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Tuesday, 20 October 2015 / Published in Distracted Driving, Road Safety, Traffic Safety
Texting and Driving is More Dangerous than DWI According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) driving while distracted is six times more dangerous than driving with a blood
David Wallace Traffic Safety Expert
Thursday, 15 October 2015 / Published in Podcast
Cognitive Distractions in Driving
Cognitive distractions are a hidden danger on the road. This episode explores why multitasking while driving is a myth, the risks of cell phone use, and what steps you can take to stay safe. Learn how to eliminate distractions and keep your full attention on the road.
Drugged Driving Laws Need an Overhaul
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Tuesday, 13 October 2015 / Published in Drugs, Impaired Driving, Law, Traffic Safety
Drugged Driving
Drugged Driving Laws Need an Overhaul According to a report released this week by the Governors Highway Safety Association, the number of dead drivers who tested positive for drugs jumped
Trust in the Judiciary
Criminal justice reform consultant
Tuesday, 06 October 2015 / Published in Law
Trust in the Judiciary A recent Gallup poll claimed that the trust American’s have in the judicial branch of government had fallen to a record-low. Only 53% of those polled
David Wallace Traffic Safety Expert
Tuesday, 29 September 2015 / Published in Traffic Safety
Global road safety
How many times do we open the newspaper and read the headlines, “Drunk Driver Kills Pregnant Woman,” or turn on the TV news and hear about a person texting while
Criminal justice reform consultant
Thursday, 24 September 2015 / Published in Podcast
Rule of Law
Judge Brian MacKenzie discusses the rule of law and how public officials, like Kim Davis, must uphold it. Learn how legal accountability ensures democracy and justice for all.
The Hidden Epidemic: Alcoholism Among Seniors
The Hidden Epidemic: Alcoholism Among Seniors The American Medical Association called it a “hidden epidemic.” The National Institute of Health says it is “[o]ne of the fastest growing health problems
David Wallace Traffic Safety Expert
Thursday, 17 September 2015 / Published in Podcast
DWI Courts
DWI Courts offer a proven solution to repeat impaired driving by addressing addiction through treatment and supervision. Learn how these courts hold offenders accountable and help them change their behavior for life.
Criminal justice reform consultant
Sunday, 13 September 2015 / Published in Law
Rule of Law
As I write this, Clerk Kim Davis of Rowan County Kentucky has refused to obey an order issued by a judge of the United States District Court. She appealed the

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