In this episode, Justice Speakers Institute founders discuss global justice principles, focusing on the World Justice Project’s rule of law framework. They explore its universal principles, nine key factors for measurement, and the critical roles of Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Procedural Fairness in ensuring justice has citizen understanding and support.
This episode introduces Justice Speakers International, a global platform connecting and supporting justice systems worldwide. From drug treatment courts to restorative justice and elder abuse, learn how JSI bridges gaps in global justice with expertise, resources, and innovative solutions to enhance programs and share ideas across continents.
This episode highlights the critical role of Family Drug Treatment Courts in addressing child abuse and neglect cases linked to substance use disorders. Discover how FDTCs promote family reunification, reduce foster care stays, and improve parental treatment outcomes using holistic, evidence-based practices to protect and support children and families.
Part one of The Nuts and Bolts of Drug Testing explores why drug testing is essential in drug treatment courts. Learn how testing reduces recidivism, monitors abstinence, and serves as a treatment adjunct. Gain insight into different testing methods and their benefits to better understand their critical role in the justice system.