Danette Montoya, MSW, LCSW
Danette Montoya, MSW, LCSW is a veteran of the U.S. Coast Guard, who has over 25 years of experience working nationally as a Certified Sexual Assault Crisis Counselor and an advocate to end sexual violence. She owns a successful psychotherapy practice and is a senior social worker for the San Diego VA Healthcare System, Behavioral Health Interdisciplinary Program. Her experience spans from counseling adolescents involved in human trafficking, working and volunteering as a sexual assault crisis counselor, and serving as a child advocate and community educator bringing awareness inside schools, hospitals and correctional institutions.
Ms. Montoya co-founded a child and family safety center, taking an active role as the family advocate and lead forensic interviewer. She has provided expert testimony for survivors of sexual assault/abuse during legal proceedings and has instructed for the National Child Protection Training Center for Forensic Interviewers. Ms. Montoya broadened her field work by interning at the Palo Alto VA Trauma Recovery Program focusing on veterans with PTSD that experienced Military Sexual Trauma and/or Combat Trauma. Soon after transitioning to full-time employment with the San Francisco VA Healthcare System as the Military Sexual Trauma Coordinator and Senior Social Worker in the Addictions and Recovery Treatment Services for the past 10 years before her recent transfer to sunny Southern California.
Ms. Montoya received her B.S. from University of Maryland and her M.S.W. from California State University, East Bay. She is a single parent of three successful children.
- Evidence-based therapies demonstrated to improve mental health
- Cultural Humility
- Trauma Informed
- Military Sexual Trauma (MST)
- Human Trafficking and Childhood Sexual Abuse/Violence
- Interpersonal Violence and Domestic Violence
- Substance Abuse
- Panelist, "A Virtual Interview of Latinx/Hispanic Veterans", California Lawyers Association, San Francisco, CA., 2021
- Cast Member, "Role playing a Veteran’s Treatment Court staffing session", Justice Speakers Institute, Alexandria, VA., 2021
- Panelist, "Virginia Supreme Court Veterans’ Treatment Court Curriculum", Justice Speakers Institute, Alexandria, VA., 2020
- Presenter, “Systemic discrimination’ Diversity Dialogues”, Veteran’s Health Administration, San Francisco, CA., 2020
- Trainer, “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Substance Use Disorder”, Veteran’s Health Administration, Palo Alto, CA., 2020
- Panelist, "Surviving Military Sexual Trauma," Veterans' Voices Telecast, Contra Costa County, CA., 2020
- Presenter, “Military Sexual Trauma”, National Associations of Women Judges Conference, Los Angeles, CA., 2019
- Presenter, “Military Sexual Trauma’ Military & Veterans Summit,” California Lawyers Association, San Francisco, CA., 2019
- Presenter, “What to do about sexual assault’ Workshop”, Skyline College, San Bruno, CA., 2018
- Presenter, “Interpersonal Violence’ Conference”, University of California, San Francisco, CA., 2018
- Presenter, “Vicarious Trauma’, Victim Advocate Summit”, U.S. Coast Guard, Alameda, CA., 2015
- Trainer, “Process of disclosure’, Child First for Forensic Interviewers”, National Child Protection Training Center, Rogers, AR., 2009
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Danette Montoya's Website
Click here to download her full resume.