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Tuesday, 20 June 2017 / Published in Drugs, Law
Procedural Fairness
Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, liberals and conservatives, there was support from both the right and the left to dismantle the “war on drugs” and reduce mass incarceration.  For a number of years, citizens have rejected the politicians’ shibboleth of “tough on crime.”  Public opinion polls supported treatment over incarceration, particularly for non-violent crimes.  Prisons were closing,
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Tuesday, 16 May 2017 / Published in Substance Use Disorder
Psycho, lunatic, cripple: all words that now have a demeaning connotation.  If someone had a medical condition and got labeled with these words, they were not being complimented. These words, and others even worse, created a stigma that resulted in a person having problems getting proper help, or even participating in society. However, times have
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Tuesday, 09 May 2017 / Published in Law, Problem Solving Courts
Melbourne, Victoria The distance between San Francisco, my home airport, and Melbourne, Australia is 7,860 miles and the flight time is about 17 ½ hours including a change of planes in Los Angeles. However, when you get there it’s always surprising how much more we are like the Aussies than not. I recently spent a
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Thursday, 27 April 2017 / Published in Drugged Driving, Podcast
Drug Recognition Experts: Combating Drugged-Driving and More – Justice Speaks Podcast By: Thomas Page, Drug Recognition Expert Emeritus The Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) program, procedure, and police officers constitute a systems approach to identifying, apprehending, and prosecuting the individual who drives while under the influence of a drug or drugs.  The program and procedures were
Criminal justice reform consultant
Thursday, 13 April 2017 / Published in Law
When my partners and I created the Justice Speakers Institute, the main goal was to work to improve justice throughout the world but, admittedly, I also wanted the opportunity to travel.  As a result, I purchase a lot of airline tickets flying from Detroit Metropolitan Airport, a Delta hub. I have had my share of
Why Democracy?
Criminal justice reform consultant
Tuesday, 11 April 2017 / Published in Law
Why Democracy? The number of people claiming that the American governmental system is broken and that it is impossible to fix is growing. Anti-democratic rhetoric is now common. On Twitter, Facebook and other social media, people routinely claim that our founders created a republic, not a democracy, while others express support for rolling back democratic
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Thursday, 06 April 2017 / Published in Podcast
Global Road Safety: A Decade of Action How many times do we open the newspaper and read the headlines, “Drunk Driver Kills Pregnant Woman,” or turn on the TV news and hear about a person texting while driving who kills a pedestrian, or listen to the radio and hear the story about a motorcyclist killed
Drug Recognition Experts Combating Drugged-Driving
Drug Recognition Experts Combating Drugged-Driving By JSI Associate Thomas Page, Drug Recognition Expert Emeritus The Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) program, procedure, and police officers constitute a systems approach to identifying, apprehending, and prosecuting the individual who drives while under the influence of a drug or drugs.  The program and procedures were initially developed in the 1980s
Therapy and Justice Belong Together
Therapy and Justice Belong Together Guest Authors ARIE FREIBERG, Emeritus Professor of Law, Monash University Dr BECKY BATAGOL, Senior Lecturer in Law, Monash University Both Co-Authors Non-Adversarial Justice, 2nd ed, 2014 The Australian published an opinion piece in which Jennifer Oriel argued that that ‘activist judges’ are usurping the role of parliament in promoting non-adversarial justice, therapeutic
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Thursday, 16 March 2017 / Published in Podcast
Rule of Law
The Rule of Law?  Justice Speaks Podcast In this podcast,  Justice Speakers Institute founders Judge Peggy Hora (Ret.), David Wallace and Judge Brian MacKenzie (Ret.) discuss the importance of the concept of the international rule of law. Based upon the World Justice Project’s (WJP) definition  they discuss the four universal principles of the rule of law:

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