Justice Speakers Institute

Your gateway to justice system leaders and issues worldwide!


The partners and associates of the Justice Speakers Institute (JSI) are internationally recognized experts with decades of experience and mastery of over 300 subjects impacting the justice system.

The Institute was founded in 2015 by the late Peggy Hora, Brian MacKenzie, and David Wallace. Currently, David is the Co-President along with Brian, and Mack Jenkins is JSI's Vice President.  Brian MacKenzie also acts as the Chief Financial Officer. Additionally, there are just over twenty rigorously selected associates with expertise on a wide variety of justice and legal issues. Check out the website and read the articles and blogs, and listen to the podcast episodes.

JSI’s sister organization, Justice Speakers International, was launched in 2017 to focus on justice issues outside the U.S.  JSI has provided services in countries on 6 of the 7 continents.

What's New

Keeping Up with JSI

JSI Latest Podcast Episode

A Discussion about pretrial services with Wendy Venvertloh, ED of the NAPSA

Justice Speaks is continuing a series of interviews regarding individuals who are impacting the Justice System, specifically in this case, for those who are under supervision in the form of pretrial services. In this episode we interview Wendy Venvertloh, Executive Director of National Association of Pretrial Services Agencies.  This episode is sponsored by Reconnect

Director Venvertloh begins by sharing her background, which is deeply rooted in community corrections. Originally planning to pursue a PhD in criminal justice, she quickly found her passion working in the field. She reflects on her experiences at the Adams County, Illinois Probation Department, before transitioning to a state-level role in Illinois as the pretrial administrator for the administrative office of the courts. Her involvement in the creation of the Statewide Pretrial Office, and later her appointment as its deputy director, solidified her position as a leader in the field.

Listen to the episode HERE.

JSI Latest Blog Post

Is Your Treatment Court at Risk?

As of this article’s writing, there are still a large number of judges who persist in withholding medications from individuals with opioid use disorder (OUD), arguing that it merely replaces one addictive substance with another.[1] Similarly, certain probation or corrections departments and officers refuse to permit medications for opioid use disorders (MOUD), citing the need to maintain a drug-free environment within their supervision program.[2]

While the notion that providing individuals under court or community supervision access to Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) is simply exchanging one drug for another might appear intuitive at first, this belief fails to acknowledge that OUD is a disease; just as diabetes, hypertension, and cancer are diseases. And just like many diseases, treating OUD may necessitate medication.

Read more HERE.

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Justice Speaks Podcast
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