Gina Wilkie

Gina Wilkie is a retired Supervising Probation Officer (2020) with 29 years of service, the majority of which was dedicated to supervising high-risk offenders with serious mental illness.

Her career began as a Juvenile Corrections Officer, where she spent three years working with youth facing psychiatric and behavioral challenges. Over the next 15 years, Gina collaborated extensively with various agencies, including court services (judges, public defenders, and district attorneys), law enforcement (police and sheriff’s departments), mental health and substance use treatment providers, and social services to enhance outcomes for individuals under supervision.

As a Deputy Probation Officer (1999–2003), she partnered with mental health case managers in IMPACT (Immediate Mental Health Processing Assessment & Coordination of Treatment), a collaborative project dedicated to probationers with mental illness. She then served as the Supervising Officer for the Co-Occurring Disorders Court (2003–2010), working with felony drug offenders with serious mental illness. From 2010 to 2015, she supervised the Opportunity Mental Health Court, which served both misdemeanor and felony offenders with serious mental illness.

From 2015 to 2020, Gina led a juvenile field services unit as a Supervising Probation Officer, continuing direct supervision while guiding officers in managing youth and families navigating mental health challenges.

Her contributions have been widely recognized. In 2009, she received the Chief Probation Officers of California (CPOC) South Region Employee of the Year Award, and in 2013, she was honored by Senator Lou Correa as a “Woman Making a Difference.” Throughout her career, she has supervised hundreds of probationers with mental illness, applying evidence-based practices in assessment, motivation, and treatment linkage. Since 2005, she has also developed and delivered certified training on evidence-based supervision strategies for probation, law enforcement, and correctional officers, along with support staff.

Beyond her professional work, Gina enjoys sharing her insights on criminal justice supervision. She also devotes time to her grandchildren, plays tennis, engages in DIY projects, and embraces travel and adventure whenever possible.

  1. Supervision of Offenders with Mental Illness ... in or out of Court Program
  2. Collaboration with other agencies/partners
  3. Case Management 
  4. Building Relationships with and Utilizing Community Resources
  5. Stages of Change
  6. Facing Change and Uncertainty
  7. Addressing Risk/Needs in Supervision
  8. Tactical Communication

Gina Wilkie has been teaching Standards and Training for Corrections (STC) classes since 2005, beginning in Orange County. She has presented courses on mental illness, substance use, trauma-informed care, stages of change, and evidence-based practices for effective intervention to officers and employees in approximately half of California’s counties.

In addition to her work with probation and corrections personnel, Gina has conducted training for police departments, Kaiser Permanente, and the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Family-to-Family program. She has also presented at national conferences, including the National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP) (Now AllRise) Conference and the Mentally Ill Offender Crime Reduction Act (MIOCR) Making It Work Conference (San Diego, 2005).

Most Recently, Ms. Wilkie presented at the Tennessee Recovery Court Conference, December 2024 on Supervising Participants in a Mental Health Recovery Court.

  • Humanitarian Award, “Offering hope and dignity, Comforting the lives of many, fearlessly stepping into the field of adversity, Providing humanitarian help at the point of contact and crisis,” Community First Conference, October 2006
  • South Region Employee of the Year, Chief Probation Officers of California (CPOC), November 2009
  • Valuable Community Partner recognition, Mental Health Association, October 2010
  • Women Making A Change, Award presented by Senator Lou Correa, March 2013

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Gina Wilkie

Gina Wilkie

Gina Wilkie, a retired supervising probation officer, spent nearly 20 years working with offenders with mental illness across institutional, field, and court settings. With 12 years in mental health court, she gained deep insight into applying evidence-based practices for effective intervention.

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“If you treat an individual as he is, he will stay as he is, but if you treat him as if he were what he ought to be and could be, he will become what he ought to be and could be.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


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