The Hidden Epidemic: Alcoholism Among Seniors

There are more hospital admissions for alcohol related issues than for heart attacks among the elderly.
The American Medical Association called it a “hidden epidemic.” The National Institute of Health says it is “[o]ne of the fastest growing health problems facing” the United States. What is it? Alcoholism among seniors. There are more hospital admissions for alcohol related issues than for heart attacks among the elderly.
Baby Boomers and Alcohol
About 10,000 Baby Boomers (those born from 1946-1964) turn 65 every day and this will continue for 20 years. The oldest Boomers turn 69 this year. By 2030, 21% of the U.S. population will be over 65. And the bad news is persons born after World War II show a higher prevalence of alcohol problems that those born in the 1920s.
Many things change as we age and our ability to handle alcohol is one of them. An older adult may only consume one alcoholic drink safely per day. One. Yet alcoholic individuals over 60 consume more than 40 drinks per week.
It is More than Alcohol
Issues of substance abuse among for older adults are not limited to alcohol. Between 2002 and 2006 illicit drug use rates for people in their 50s increased 76%. It is estimated that by 2020, 4.4 million people over 50 will have an illicit drug problem.
Finally, in addition to alcohol and illicit drugs, many older citizens on average take five prescription medications. Senior citizens make up 12% of the population but take 30% of prescription medication. These drugs can interact negatively with alcohol and some have addiction potential in and of themselves.
Learn the Symptoms
Symptoms of substance abuse may be mistaken for dementia, depression or other common problems. In one study, only 21% of alcohol abusers were detected by emergency room physicians. And in another study 10% of those who were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s were actually suffering from brain damage or toxicity caused by drinking.
What can we do about this “hidden epidemic”?
- Learn the facts and resist making assumptions based on age
- Screen for alcohol misuse at senior centers and doctors’ offices
- Support residential and outpatient clinics for people over 50
- Address the fact that almost half of residents in nursing homes have alcohol problems
- Help erase the stigma
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Great article!