Soberlink Alcohol Monitoring in Family Law Cases

This paper examines the admissibility of Soberlink alcohol monitoring devices in family law cases involving contested custody and visitation. Our research confirms that Soberlink test results are reliable and admissible under both Frye and Daubert standards as evidence of alcohol use.

Family law cases often involve concerns about alcohol impacting a child’s safety. The Soberlink alcohol monitoring system addresses these issues by providing accurate, low-cost testing with features like facial recognition and tamper-resistant sensors. This portable fuel cell device ensures reliable results and real-time reporting via wireless connectivity.

Courts have upheld the use of Soberlink alcohol testing in family law, as in Murphy v. Murphy (2018), where testing was deemed necessary for the child’s best interests. Our research establishes Soberlink as a scientifically reliable tool that supports family court decisions, prioritizing child safety and well-being.


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