Justice Training Curricula Development
The Process
Justice Speakers Institute has the tools and expertise to develop curricula and training programs for whatever legal topic you wish to educate or train other individuals.
1. Gather
JSI personnel work with national subject matter experts and obtain the necessary information.
2. Develop
Once the JSI curriculum writers gather the necessary information, they develop the content.
3. Design
When the content development is complete JSI curriculum developers begin the curriculum development.
4. Create
During meetings with the national experts, JSI can also create video content to support the training sessions.

Course Cover page
Additional Video Created for VA
Mack Jenkins, Chief Probation Officer (Ret.), discusses the importance of Veterans Treatment Courts (VTC).

Course Cover page
Sample Video Created for TN
This short sample shows the Honorable Michael Barrasse, Judge, discussing Ethical and Confidential issues for Recovery Courts.