Honorable Geno Salomone
Judge Geno Salomone recently retired as Chief Judge of the 23rd District Court in Taylor, Michigan. In 2002, he created and presided over that court’s regional Drug and Sobriety Treatment Court program. At any given time, the program serves 50 -100 participants.
Judge Salomone is a past president of the Michigan Association of Treatment Court Professionals (MATCP), and continues to serve on its Board of Directors. He also serves as chair of the Education and Training Committee. Judge Salomone helped create a training partnership between MATCP and state medical associations to address the medication issues that arise in Treatment Courts. He frequently lectures throughout the state of Michigan and the Midwest on topics related to probation practices and Treatment Courts, including sanctions and incentives, team work, medication assisted treatment and intensive supervised probation. He has also taught for the National Center for State Courts and the Michigan Supreme Court Administrative Office.
Judge Salomone was a contributor to the State of Michigan’s manual on Adult Drug Court Standards, Best Practices and Promising Practices. He has also served as past President of the Wayne County District Judges Association and past President of the Downriver Bar Association. He is a co-founder and current vice- president of the Downriver Families Against Narcotics chapter.
- DWI Courts
- Drug Courts
- Treatment Court issues related to the use of medications- both prescription and over the counter-and the impact of the American with Disabilities Act(ADA)
- Sanctions and Incentives
- Judicial Leadership
- Intensive Probation-Application of Treatment Court Principles and Practices to Standard Probation
- Numerous presentations on the Best Practices for implementing Sanctions and Incentives
- Use of an Intensive Probation Program
- Impact of Treatment Courts on the Community
- Fundamentals of Treatment Court
Contributor to Michigan’s manual of Adult Drug Court Standards, Best Practices and Promising Practices.
- Past President of the Michigan Association of Treatment Court Professionals
- Past member of the Michigan State Drug Treatment Court Advisory Committee
- Started the partnership between the Michigan Association of Treatment Court Professionals and the Michigan State Medical Society which helps bridge the gaps between members of the medical profession and practitioners in the criminal justice system; including the recruitment of physicians and psychiatrists for treatment court team membership
Click here to download his full resume.