Honorable Gayle Williams-Byers
Judge Gayle Williams-Byers serves as Administrative and Presiding Judge of the South Euclid Municipal Court in South Euclid, Ohio. At the start of her term on January 1, 2012, she became the first African American elected to this seat in the city’s history. She currently serves in the position of Vice President for the American Judge’s Association (AJA), one of the largest judges’ organization in North America which has a mission of providing quality education programs and high-level publications to its members. As a member, she has served on the Education, Domestic Violence, Diversity, Membership and Social Media and Technology Committees. Prior to joining the bench, Judge Byers practiced as an Assistant Cuyahoga County Prosecutor, ending her career as Supervisor of the Cuyahoga County Grand Jury. Currently, in addition to her judicial duties, Judge Byers has been appointed to serve as the only Judicial Fellow for the National Judicial College (Reno, Nevada) where she has honed expert skills in the area of Commercial Drivers, licensing and federal penalties. Currently, she primarily teaches under a partnership grant through the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration focused on topics connected to Commercial Drivers in Criminal and Traffic courts. Beyond this, Judge Byers teaches courses on Access to Justice, Judicial Wellbeing and Procedural Fairness. She continues to hone and sharpen these skills so as to provide sage advice and guidance to the National Judicial College on these topics.
Prior to taking the bench, Judge Williams-Byers served as Adjunct Faculty at the Cuyahoga Community College in Cleveland, Ohio, in the Department of Law Enforcement, teaching courses in the areas of Juvenile, Constitutional and Criminal Law. As Municipal Judge in the City of South Euclid, Judge Byers has spearheaded several innovative advancements, including livestreaming court proceedings, the creation of an IOS App to provide instant docket access, implementing a monthly Night Court, and the creation of the only suburban Specialized Mental Health Docket in Cuyahoga County. Further, Judge Byers’ experience as a Drug Court prosecutor led her to spearhead the initiative which resulted in the formation of first suburban Drug Court partnership with Cleveland Municipal Court. This forward-thinking project received inaugural funding of nearly $2 million in 2012, has helped to serve suburban communities all across northeast Ohio and remains a model of successful collaboration to date.
Judge Williams-Byers received her B.A., M.N.O., and J.D. degrees from Case Western Reserve University. She is also a member of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc., Alpha Lambda Sigma Chapter and is married with one child, one grandchild and a rescue dog.
- Federal Penalties for Commercial Drivers in Traffic and Criminal Courts
- Access to Justice
- Judicial Wellbeing
- Procedural Fairness
- Human Trafficking
- CDL Licensing and Penalties:
Bi-weekly webcast presentation: Ethically Handling Commercial Drivers in Criminal and Traffic Courts (all 50 States)
April 2019: Why Maryland Judges Should Care about CMV Cases (Annapolis, Maryland)
August 2019: Best Practices in Administrative Law for the Florida Bar (Orlando, Florida)
May 2019: FMCSA In-State Education of Judiciary: Plea Bargains in CDL Cases (Oacoma, South Dakota)
- Judicial Wellbeing:
January 2018: Selfcare is not Selfish: The Importance of Judicial Wellbeing (National Bar Association presentation - Part I)
July 2019: Selfcare is not Selfish: The Importance of Judicial Wellbeing (National Bar Association presentation - Part II)
- Access to Justice:
August 2020: NHTSA Sponsored Access to Justice in the Modern Day Traffic and Criminal Court System
September 2020: Ethics and Access to Justice for Arkansas Judges
January 2021: Access to Justice in Traffic Cases: Recognizing and Setting Aside Implicit Bias
- Human Trafficking:
December 2020: National Webcast on the Human Trafficking Act of 2018
- Empowering Judges and Keeping the Roads Safe, Fall 2019, Highway to Justice (publication collaboration between the ABA (Judicial Division) and NHTSA)
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Gayle Williams-Byers
Podcast Interview
Systemic Racism in the Criminal Justice System Explained by a Black Female Judge, Judge Gayle Williams-Byers.
Click on the image below to listen to this episode.
Podcast produced by WOUB Public Media at Ohio University.