JSI Justice Publications

JSI Justice Publications

Welcome to JSI's Justice Publications Page! Here, you will find a curated collection of our expertly crafted publications covering a wide range of justice-related topics. Each section highlights a specific category, making it easy to explore the resources that interest you most. Simply click on an image to download the PDF and access valuable insights, reports, and tools developed by JSI.

Science Bench Book, 2d ed
Click on the image below to download JSI’s & NJC's publication. 

Science Bench Book for Judges, 2d ed

The Science Bench Book for Judges, 2nd Edition, is available for free download on this website and the National Judicial College website. Authored by 14 distinguished contributors, including the former Chief Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court, an Associate Justice of the California Supreme Court, and other prominent judges and practitioners, this comprehensive resource is designed to support judges in applying scientific principles in the courtroom.

Notably, the Assistant Director of the Hayden Planetarium and the President of the National Judicial College introduce the guide with a chapter on "What is Science?" to set the foundation for understanding.

This searchable and downloadable Science Bench Book allows judges to keep it accessible while ruling from the bench. Explore this invaluable tool and access additional resources by clicking here or on the provided links to download the complete book or individual sections.

Click here, or on the image to go the page for downloading the book, or individual sections.  Click here to be taken to additional resource material. 

Training Reports
Click on the image below to download JSI’s Training Reports prepared for our clients on individual training programs

APPA / Indivior Incorporating MOUD Treatment in Community Supervision

Lousiana MOUD Correctional Officer Training

Colorado Problem Solving Court Judges Training

The reports above, prepared by the Justice Speakers Institute, summarize key insights and outcomes from various training programs. These documents highlight JSI’s commitment to fostering expertise and advancing understanding on a diverse array of justice-related topics.

Position Papers
Click on the image below to download JSI’s latest publication. 

OpAns' AmasseTM Collection Device

LifeSafer Portable Alcohol Monitoring Unit

Soberlink Portable Testing Device

Smart Start Mobile Device

Top Left: Discover why JSI has concluded that the Opans' Amasse™ Collection Device produces results admissible in probation violation hearings.

Top Right: Explore JSI's analysis of the LifeSafer Portable Alcohol Monitoring unit and why it stands out as one of the most effective choice for probationary alcohol monitoring.

Bottom Left: Learn about the admissibility of the Soberlink device in family law cases, particularly those involving contested custody and visitation disputes.

Bottom Right: Read JSI's findings on the admissibility of alcohol test results from the Smart Start SMART Mobile Device in probation violation hearings.

Click on the image to download the paper.

Veterans Treatment Courts

Click on the images below to download JSI’s publications supporting Veterans Treatment Courts and its mentors. 

Mentors in Veterans Treatment Courts

Mentors Dos - 1-page

Mentors Don'ts - 1-page

Individualized Veteran Case Plan and Progress Review Instructions

On the left, Justice Eileen C. Moore and Dr. James Starks, Jr., Ed.D. discuss the expectations, requirements and Dos and Don'ts for Mentors in a Veterans Treatment Court.  The two documents to the right of the article are one-page documents of the list of Dos and Don'ts for Mentors.  

On the right, Mack Jenkins and Katherine Stewart provide a Veteran Case Plan and Progress Review form with instructions that can be used for each participant in a Veterans Treatment Courts.  For just the Case Plan Form, click HERE.  For just the Progress Review Form, click HERE

Click on the image to download any of the documents.

Civil Unrest: A Collaborative of Veteran Perspectives, Experiences, and Recommendations for Healing


Consequent to the death of Mr. George Floyd, killed by a Minneapolis police officer with a knee to his neck and throat that resulted in American civil unrest and racial reckoning, this paper offers a collective reaction. First, this document provides a brief synopsis of the current Veterans Treatment Court (VTC) program to illustrate and contextualize the authors’ perspectives. Second, some raw, poignant past and present discriminatory behaviors and racist practices by the criminal justice system, specifically, against African Americans, are offered. Third, the authors address five specifically curated questions that speak to the current civil unrest’s nature through their individual perspectives which culminates with a collective message for VTC executives, support teams, and beyond. Lastly, the authors offer a series of recommendations to increase understanding and consciousness within the VTC program.

Click on the image to download the document.

Drug Testing

Click on the images below to download JSI’s publication providing the top 10 drug testing tips.

Effective drug testing is a critical part for any court, Drug Treatment Courts or otherwise. JSI has put together a simple top ten list for implementation and another top ten list for observing drug testing.

Click on the images to the right to download these important tips.

To learn more about the importance of drug testing, listen to the JSI Podcast (Justice Speaks) episode on Drug Testing



Corporate Road Safety

Click on the images below to download JSI’s publications discussing corporate road safety issues.
To learn more about JSI's efforts on Corporate Road Safety, click here

Developing a Traffic Safety Culture

Distracted Driving

Vicarious Liability

Drowsy Driving


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