Latest Past Events
Trauma for Judges
Oklahoma City Oklahoma CityJSI President Judge Peggy Hora (Ret.) will present a workshop on trauma for Oklahoma judges through the Deptartment of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services on Aug. 3 in Oklahoma
Technical Assistance to the Marin County Drug Court
Marin County Superior Court 3501 Civic Center Drive, San RafaelJSI President Judge Peggy Hora (Ret.) will provide technical assistance to the Marin County Drug Court on June 11-13 to monitor their grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Drugged Driving Essentials
National Judicial College RenoJudge Peggy Hora (Ret.), President of JSI, will be lead faculty in the National Judicial College’s course “Drugged Driving Essentials.” Summary Unlike alcohol-impaired driving, drugged driving has no bright line test