Court Managers Leadership
Crystal Mountain Resort 12500 Crystal Mountain Dr., Thompsonville, MI, United StatesJSI Associate Judge Kevin Burke will give a 2 hour 45 minute presentation on Court Managers Leadership at the Michigan Court Administrators Association Conference.
Tough on Crime is not Smart on Crime
Lafayette-Orinda Presbyterian Church 49 Knox Drive, Lafayette, CA, United StatesJSI President Judge Peggy Hora (Ret.) will address those in attendance for the First Friday Forum on the topic of "Tough on Crime is Not Smart on Crime."
Marijuana Law & Its Impact on Your State’s Jurisprudence
Judge Peggy Hora (Ret.) and President of Justice Speakers Institute will teach a 60-75 minute webcast on Marijuana Law and Its Impact on Your State's Jurisprudence for the National Judicial College.
Medication-Assisted Treatment and Pharmacology in Specialty Courts
JSI Consultant Sandra Dettman, M.D. will be presenting two workshops at the 2017 Oklahoma Specialty Court Conference on September 13 in Oklahoma City. The topics are: 1) Medication-Assisted Treatment, and 2) Pharmacology. The event will take place in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. This conference will provide participants with knowledge of specialty court best practices and cutting edge strategies to continue
Living outside the Robe: How to manage Life beyond the bench
JSI President Judge Peggy Hora (Ret.) will discuss "Living outside the Robe: How to manage Life beyond the bench" at the American Judges Association 2017 Annual Conference in Cleveland, Ohio.
Toxicology in Specialty Courts
JSI Consultant James Wigmore will be presenting on Toxicology at the 2017 Oklahoma Specialty Court Conference on September 13 in Oklahoma City. The event will take place in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. This conference will provide participants with knowledge of specialty court best practices and cutting edge strategies to continue to improve Oklahoma’s Specialty Court network. State and
Race: It’s Everybody’s Issue
Using mainly post-Ferguson materials, JSI President Judge Peggy Hora (Ret.) will develop a workshop that includes a keynote presentation by her; leading a Q & A session; and, providing table exercises for execution and report back to the entire audience. It is anticipated that the workshop will be three hours in length and be conducted
Procedural Fairness
JSI Founder, Judge Brian MacKenzie (Ret.) will be presenting on Procedural Fairness at the University of New Mexico, School of Law, to the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court Conference. The audience is Drug Court team members, primarily probation officers. The presentation is October 27, 2017 at 2:20 pm for one hour and then repeat at 3:40
Recidivism & Sentencing of the Drugged Driver
JSI President Judge Peggy Hora (Ret.) will speak on Recidivism and Sentencing of the drugged driver. Unlike alcohol-impaired driving, drugged driving has fewer tools in the field to detect impairment and concentration levels in the body. Drugged driving cases require a judge to utilize a variety of judicial tools to effectively adjudicate these cases. In
National Association of State Judicial Educators Conference 2017
This continuing education opportunity will be attended by JSI President Judge Peggy Hora (Ret.) and CFO Judge Brian MacKenzie (Ret.). The conference theme is “Old meets new: Incorporating fundamentals, instructional design and adult learning into the 21st century.” A list of the educational programming is available by clicking here. While at the NASJE conference, Judge