Looking for a professional speaker about Drugged Driving?
We've got the right person for you.

Your Drugged Driving expert speaker should. . .

  • Have experience presenting on the topic to a variety of audiences in a variety of geographies with positive reviews.
  • Have written numerous related articles or blogs and conducted podcasts and be considered international experts.

Justice Speakers Institute

  • Know the latest research on the topic and be ready to update their presentations.
  • Include general information on the topic, but also present information focusing on the prevailing issues pertinent to your country, state or region.

JSI has that and more.

We’re your one-stop Justice shop

Possible “Drugged Driving” Topics

Addiction Issues
Drug Classifications
Drug Recognition Experts
Drugged Driving and its Impact on DWI Courts
Marijuana and Driving
Marijuana around the Globe
Marijuana Toxicology
Per Se Marijuana Laws

JSI can provide expert speakers on drugged driving (marijuana & prescription), traffic safety, DWI Courts, supervision (probation and parole), toxicology, among many other subjects.

Have questions or want to learn more?

Ready to retain JSI’s services?

Read JSI's Blog about Marijuana and Impaired Driving


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