David B. Rottman, Ph.D.
David B. Rottman, Ph.D. retired in early 2020 from the Research Division of the National Center for State Courts after 33 years of service. His research focuses on core issues of importance for the courts, such as the factors underlying public trust in the courts, the potential for durable and effective court and community collaborations, the application to the courts of procedural justice principles, the effectiveness of innovations such as community courts, methods for trial court organization, best practices in conducting judicial evaluations, and effective judicial branch leadership.
He is the author of over 70 published articles and dozens of research reports on key topics relevant to the state court community. His publications appear in periodicals such as The Court Manager, Court Review, Judicature, Justice System Journal, Law & Policy, Dr. Rottman frequently speaks at conferences organized by major court organization such as AJA and NACM and to conferences of professional groups such as the American Society of Criminology and the Law & Society Association. He provides technical assistance and training to individual courts and to state court systems within his areas of expertise. A constant feature of his work is a desire to help judges understand relevant developments in the sciences and to help academic researchers understand the realities within which courts operate.
His research led to preparing a Guide to Court and Community Collaboration and evaluated the Midtown Community Court and the Red Hook Community Justice Center. Recently, he participated in a project creating a toolkit for building collaboration between courts and minority communities.
Concern over public trust in the courts led to the design of three national surveys and a California statewide surveys. is another strand to his work. He led the design of the “How the Public Views the State Courts” survey (1999), the “Perceptions of the Courts in Your Community: The Influence of Experience, Race, and Ethnicity,”(2000) and, on behalf of the California Judicial Council for the Trust and Confidence in the California Courts: A Survey of the Public and Attorneys survey (2005).
Procedural Justice principles underly his approach to understanding problems like effective collaborations, public trust, problem-solving courts, and judicial performance evaluation. Dr. Rottman is a co-founder of the website www.proceduralfairness.org (with Hon. Kevin Burke, Hon. Steve Leben (Ret.), and Yale Law Professor Tom Tyler).
Judicial leadership is a recent area of concentration. Dr. Rottman directed the Executive Session on State Court Leadership in the 21st Century project, a joint endeavor of the Kennedy School of Government and NCSC. He was one of the key NCSC staff preparing the Judicial Branch Leadership Academy held in October 2019.
He was a co-convener of an international workshop on Evaluating Judicial Performance held in Oñati, Spain) and was a co-principle investigator of an Australian Research Council discovery grant led by Flinders University.
Dr. Rottman earned a Ph.D. in Sociology with a specialty in organizational studies from the University of Illinois at Urbana. His career as a researcher began in the Republic of Ireland at the Economic and Social Research Institute. He was appointed by the Irish Government to serve on official inquiries into the prison system and, separately, the nation’s social welfare system. He was elected to the Criminological Scientific Committee of the Council of Europe. Rottman has taught at the National University of Ireland and as a visiting associate professor at the University of Connecticut.
- Procedural Justice in the Courts
- Public Opinion on the Courts
- Judicial Decision-making
- Courts and the Community
- Judicial Leadership
- Judicial Selection and Retention
- Problem-Solving Courts
- Judicial Performance Evaluation Programs
- “Building Trust and Leading Using Procedural Fairness Principles” Roadmap to Excellence: The New York State Supervising Judges Conference, December 6-7, 2016.
- “Potential New Directions in Procedural Justice Research,” National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice Research Roundtable, Yale Law School, November 19-20, 2015.
- “Getting Full Value from Judicial Performance Evaluation,” 7th International Conference of the International Association for Court Administration, Sydney, Australia September 25, 2014 (J. Elek and D. Rottman)
- “Improving Public Trust and Satisfaction in the Courts,” Seminar presented at Flinders University Law School, Adelaide, Australia, September 22, 2014.
- “I’ll Know it When I See It: Reexamining the Normative Definition of Good Judicial Performance in the United States,” Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, May 29, 2014 (J. Elek and D. Rottman).
- “Who Trusts Trial Courts, to What Degree, and Why?” 82nd Annual Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, April 24, 2014.
- "The Impact of Social Media on the Jury," American Judges Association Annual Meeting, September 2013 (P. Hannaford-Agor and D. Rottman).
- "Methodologies for Measuring Judicial Performance: The Problem of Bias,” Workshop on Evaluating Judicial Performance, International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Oñati, Spain, May 9-10, 2013 (J. Elek and D. Rottman).
- “Thinking about Judges and Judicial Performance: The Perspective of the Public,” Workshop on Evaluating Judicial Performance, International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Oñati, Spain, May 9-10, 2013 (T. Tyler and D. Rottman).
- “Through the Looking Glass Ceiling: Seeking Gender Equity in Survey Measures of Judicial Performance,” Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, June 8, 2012 (J. Elek and D. Rottman).
- “Measuring Judicial Performance Through Surveys: The Potential for Bias Based on Gender,” American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, March 16, 2012 (J. Elek, D. Rottman, and B. Cutler).
- “The Verdict is in: Judge and Administrator Views of State Court Governance, Confidence, and Trends,” American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, March 16, 2012 (C. Kimborough, M. Herian, D. Rottman, B. Bornstein, and A. Tomkins).
- A Community Court Grows in Brooklyn: Process Evaluation Report and Preliminary Outcomes,” American Society of Criminology, November 16, 2011 (F. Cheesman, C. Lee, and D. Rottman).
- “The Role of Procedural Fairness in the Effectiveness of Judges and Court Managers,” Annual Education Conference of the Mid-Atlantic Association for Court Management, September 19, 2011.
- “A Community Court Grows in Brooklyn: Implications for the Study of Problem-Solving Courts, “Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, November 19, 2010.
- “Governing State Judiciaries in Challenging Times: A Search for Coherence and Legitimacy,” Institute for the Study of the Judiciary, Politics, and the Media Annual Lecture Series at Syracuse University, March 8, 2010.
- The Role of Procedural Fairness in the Effectiveness of Drug Courts,” Michigan Association of Drug Court Professionals, Tenth Annual Conference, February 10, 2009.
- “The Fate of the Judicial Canons as Voluntary Guidelines: Implications of Recent Theory on Social Norms,” Joint Meeting of the Law & Society Association and the Canadian Law & Society Association, Montreal, Canada, May 30, 2008.
- “How the principles of procedural justice can increase client satisfaction and compliance” Juvenile Justice Services State-Wide Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 2008.
- “The Role of Procedural Fairness in the Effectiveness of Drug Courts,” Virginia Drug Court Association Annual Conference, April 2008.
- “The Impact of Citizen Input on Court Administration: Public and Consumer Feedback as a Factor in Recent Court Reforms,” American Society of Public Administration Annual Meeting, Dallas, March 11, 2008.
- “Conduct and its Oversight in Judicial Elections: Can Friendly Persuasion Outperform the Power to Regulate?” Conference on the Debate Over Judicial Elections and State Court Judicial Selection, Washington DC, October 17, 2007 (Organized by The Sandra Day O’Connor Project on the Judiciary.)
- “Anticipating Attacks on the Judicial System—the New Frontier,” National Association of Bar Presidents and National Association of Bar Executives Annual Meeting, San Francisco, August 10, 2007.
- “Judicial Accountability,” First Annual Matthew J. Ryan Law and Public Policy Forum: Judicial Independence: Crisis and Opportunity, Philadelphia, March 30, 2007.
- “Surveys of Public Confidence and the Response of Courts in the USA,” Confidence in the Court Conference, Canberra, Australia, February 9-11, 2007 (Hosted by the Australian National University and the National Judicial College of Australia.)
- “Immigrant Perceptions of the Courts: The Potential for Comparative Research,” Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association, Baltimore, D. Rottman and B. Thompson, July 9, 2006.
- “Immigrants and the Courts: A Report from California,” Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, D. Rottman, D. Godard, J. Rogers and D. Smith, November 16, 2005.
- “The Midtown Community Court Reconsidered,” Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Panel on “Beyond Arbitration: Problem-Solving, and . . .?” November 17 - 20, 2004.
- · “The Theoretical Underpinnings of Problem-Solving Courts,” Intensive Case Analytic Workshop on Therapeutic Courts, Center for Mental Health Services and Criminal Justice Research, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, February 16 - 20, 2004.
- · “Problem-Solving Courts: Models, Commonalities, and Trends,” Workshop on Problem-Solving Courts: An International Perspective, Psychology & Law Interdisciplinary Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, P. Casey and D. Rottman, July 8, 2003.
- “Public Perceptions of the Courts: Can They be Changed?” Annual Conference of the Mid-Atlantic Association for Court Management, Baltimore, D. Rottman and G. Gallas, October 23, 2002.
- · “Perceptions of the Courts: The Influence of Ethnicity and Court Experience,” Annual Conference on Criminal Justice Research and Evaluation, Washington, DC, D. Rottman and N. Mott, July 21 - 24, 2002.
- “Voters in Judicial Elections: Motivation, Capability, and Trust,” Paper presented at the National Summit on Improving Judicial Selection, Chicago, D. Rottman, December 7 - 8, 2000.
- How Recent Court Users View the State Courts: Perceptions of Whites, African Americans, and Latinos,” Paper presented at Symposium 2000: Meeting the Justice Needs of a Multicultural Society, Atlanta. D. Rottman, 2000.
- “Perceptions of Local Courts: A Comparison of White, African-American, and Hispanic Viewpoints,” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, 1999.
- “Studying Specialized Adjudication: Some Ground Rules, Policy Issues, and Research Needs,” Paper prepared for and presented to the NIJ Focus Group on Court Research, Washington, D.C., June 30 - July 1, 1999.
- “Does the Application of Therapeutic Jurisprudence Require Specialized Courts and Judges?” Paper presented at the Joint Psychology and Law Conference of the American Psychology-Law Society and European Association of Psychology & Law, Dublin, Ireland, July 6 - 9, 1999.
- “Public Perceptions of the State Courts,” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Washington, D.C. Garcia and D. Rottman, 1998.
- “Public Perceptions of Criminal Justice Innovations: A Willingness to Pay Approach,” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Washington, D.C. Cheesman, D. Rottman, and B. Ostrom, 1998.
- “Civil Justice in the United States,” Paper presented at the Paths to Civil Justice Reform Conference, Rockefeller Foundation Conference Center, Bellagio, Italy. Hanson and D. Rottman, March 17 - 21, 1997.
- “One-TierUnified Court Systems: Pros and Cons.” National Conference of Metropolitan Courts, Omaha, September 1996.
- “Intermediate Sanctions and Misdemeanor Offenses: The New York City Experience." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Boston. Rottman and B. Ostrom, 1995.
- “Community Involvement and Community Impact: A Preliminary Look at the Midtown Community Court." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, 1995.
- "Corporations and the State Court Jury." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association, Phoenix. Ostrom and D. Rottman, 1994.
- "The Re-Creation of a New York Court: Implementing and Evaluating the Midtown Community Court." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Phoenix. Rottman and W. Hewitt, 1993.
- "Pro Se Litigants in Three Court Forums: An Empirical Examination." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association, Chicago. Rottman and J. Goerdt, 1993.
- "Scope, Volume, and Norms of American State and Irish Appellate Courts." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association, Amsterdam. R. Hanson, D. Rottman, and J. Chapper, 1991.
- "Does Plaintiff and Defendant Status Matter? A Preliminary Comparison of Outcomes in Tort Litigation." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association, Berkeley, California. Rottman and B. Ostrom, 1990.
- "The Context of Felony Sentencing: A Comparative Approach." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Reno. Ostrom and D. Rottman.
- “Judicial Ethics, Everyday Work and Emotion Management,” Journal of Law and Courts, (Vol 8, No. 1, 2020). S. Roach Anleu, K Mack, J. Elek, and D. Rottman.
- “Ethical and Legal Considerations,” in D. Koetzle and S. Listwan (eds.) Drug Courts and the Criminal Justice System. Lynne Rienneer Publishers in May 2018. S. Leben, D. Rottman and P. Casey.
- Elements of Judicial Excellence: A Framework to Support the Professional Development of State Trial Judges, Williamsburg, VA: The National Center for State Courts, December 2017. Elek, D. Rottman, S. Spacek-Miller, and L. Hamblin.
- “The Emotional Dimension of Judging: Issues, Evidence and Insights,” Court Review Vol 52, No., 2., 2016. S. Roach Anleu, D. Rottman, and K. Mack.
- “Who Trusts the Trial Courts, to What Extent, and Why?” in B. Bornstein and A. Tomkins (eds.) Cooperation and Compliance with Authority: The Role of Institutional Trust. 62nd Nebraska Symposium on Motivation. New York: Springer, 2015.
- “Procedural Fairness, Criminal Justice Policy, and the Courts” in Karim Ismaili (ed.) S. Criminal Justice Policy: A Contemporary Reader. Boston: Jones and Bartlet, 2015.
- "Thinking about Judges and Judicial Performance: The Perspective of the Public," Oñati Socio-Legal Series, Vol. 4, No. 5, 2014, pp. 1046-1070. Rottman and T. Tyler.
- "Methodologies for Measuring Judicial Performance: The Problem of Bias," Oñati Socio-Legal Series, Vol. 4, No. 5, 2014, pp. 863-879. J. Elek and D. Rottman.
- “Judicial Performance Evaluation in the States: A Reexamination,” Judicature, 98, Issue 1, 2014, pp. 12-19. J. Elek, D. Rottman, and B. Cutler.
- “Judicial Retirement and the Recession,” Trends in State Courts J. Bowman, S. Spacek-Miller, D. Rottman.
- “The Verdict Is In: Judge and Administrator Perceptions of State Court Governance,” Justice System Journal 35, No. 4, 2014, pp. 344-361. C. Kimborough, M. Herian, D. Rottman, B. Bornstein, and A. Tomkins.
- A Community Court Grows in Brooklyn: A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Red Hook Community Justice Center. National Center for State Courts, 2013. C. Lee, F. Cheesman, D. Rottman, R. Swaner, S. Lambton, M. Rempel, and R. Curtis.
- "Improving Judicial Performance Evaluation: Countering Bias and Exploring New Methods," Court Review Vol. 49, No. 3, 2013. Elek and D. Rottman.
- “The State Courts in 2012: Old Problems Continue, New Solutions Found.” Book of the States, 2013. 45, 2013.
- “Juror and Jury Use of New Media: A Baseline Exploration,” in Perspectives in State Court Leadership.” Hannaford-Agor, D. Rottman, and N. Waters (2012).
- “State Judicial Performance Evaluation Programs: Steps to Improve Survey Process and Measurement.” Judicature, Vol. 96, No. 2 (September/October), 2012. J. Elek, D. Rottman and B. Cutler.
- “Governing the State Judiciaries: Exercising Leadership and Other Challenges,” Book of the States, 2012. 44, 2012.
- “Reforming Judicial Elections by Persuasion and Peer Pressure: The Power of Norms,” The Advocate(Journal of the Texas State Bar Litigation Section) Vol. 53, winter, 2010.
- The Changing Face of Judicial Elections.” Future Trends in State Courts: 2009. National Center for State Courts, 2010.
- “Facing Down a Budget Crisis, Rising Workloads, Two Judicial Elections, and Living with Facebook: The State Courts in 2009,” Book of the States, 2010, Vol. 42, 2010. D. Rottman and J. Rutledge.
- Decimated Budget, Judges as Conveners, and Bloody Judicial Elections: The State Courts in 2008,” Book of the States, 2009. Vol. 41, 2009.
- “Judicial elections in 2008,” Book of the States 2009, Vol. 41, 2009.
- “Procedural Fairness as a Court Reform Agenda” Court Review, 44, No. 4, 2008.
- “Conduct and its Oversight in Judicial Elections: Can Friendly Persuasion Outperform the Power to Regulate?” Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics, Vol. 21, No.4, 2008.
- “The Court Reform Agenda: A Progress Report from 2007” The Book of the States 40, 2008.
- “Public Opinion About the Courts” in Brian Cutler (ed.) Encyclopedia of Law and Psychology, New York: Sage, 2008.
- “Adhere to Procedural Fairness in the Justice System” Criminology & Public Policy 6, No. 4, November 2007.
- “Campaign Oversight Committees and the Challenge of Perpetuating Ethical Judicial Elections” Justice System Journal, Vol. 28, No. 3, October 2007.
- Judicial Compensation in New York: A National Perspective, Williamsburg, VA: National Center for State Courts, May 2007. D. Rottman, W. Raftery, and A. Smith.
- State Court Organization 2004, Washington D.C.: S. Government Printing Office. D. Rottman and S. Strickland, 2006 [NCJ 212351.]
- “The State Courts in 2006: Surviving Anti-Court Initiatives and Demonstrating High Performance” The Book of the States 39, 2007.
- “Judicial Selection 101: What Varies and What Matters” Caseload Highlights, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2006. D. Rottman, C. Bromage, M. Zose, and B. Thompson.
- “The State Courts in 2005: A Year of Living Dangerously” The Book of the States 38, 2006.
- Trust and Confidence in the California Courts, 2005: A Survey of the Public and Attorneys. Report commissioned by the Administrative Office of the Courts on behalf of the Judicial Council of California, September 2005.
- “What Californians Think about Their Courts” California Courts Review, 1, No. 2, Fall 2005.
- “Trends in the State Courts: Rising Caseloads and Vanishing Trials” The Book of the States 37, 2005.
- “Problem-Solving Courts: Models and Trends” Justice System Journal, 26, No. 1, Spring 2005, P. Casey and D. Rottman.
- “2004 Judicial Elections” Spectrum: The Journal of State Government February 2005. D. Rottman and R. Schotland
- “State Judicial Branches: Challenges and Achievements” The Book of the States 36, 2004.
- “The National Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on Judicial Campaign Conduct: Mission, Activities, and Prospects” Judicial Conduct Reporter, 26, No. 1, 2004.
- Perceptions of the Courts in Your Community: The Influence of Experience, Race, and Ethnicity. Williamsburg, VA: National Center for State Courts. Rottman, R. Hansen, N. Mott, and L. Grimes, 2003.
- “Crime," “Prisons," “White Collar Crime,” in Brian Lawlor (General Editor) Encyclopedia of Ireland, New Haven: Yale University Press, 2003.
- “The White Decision in the Court of Opinion” Court Review, 39, No. 1, 2002.
- A Guide to Statewide Court and Community Collaboration. Williamsburg, VA: National Center for State Courts, D. Rottman, H. Efkeman, R. Hansen, and S. Stump, 2002.
- Promoting Statewide Court and Community Collaboration Initiatives: Instructor’s Manual. Williamsburg VA: National Center for State Courts, D. Rottman and H. Efkeman, 2002.
- Call To Action: Statement of the National Summit on Improving Judicial Selection, Expanded Edition with Commentary. Williamsburg, VA. D. Rottman, A. Champagne, and R. Schotland (commentators), 2002.
- “Juries, Judges, and Punitive Damages: An Empirical Study” Cornell Law Review. 87, No. 3, T. Eisenberg, N. LaFountain, B. Ostrom, D. Rottman, M. T. Wells, 2002.
- “Civil Justice in the United States: So Many States, So Many Reforms,” pp. 239-251 in G. Griller and K. Stott (eds.) Handbook for Improvements in Judicial Administration (Seventh Edition,)” Chicago: American Bar Association, R. Hanson and D. Rottman, 2002.
- “What Makes Judicial Elections Unique?” Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review, 34, No. 4, D. Rottman and R. Schotland, 2001.
- “Public Trust and Confidence in the Courts: Introduction" Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 19, No. 2, D. Rottman and A. Tompkins, 2001.
- Dispensing Justice Locally: The Impacts, Costs and Benefits of the Midtown Community Court. New York: Center for Court Innovation. M. Sviridoff, D. Rottman, R. Weidner, 2001.
- Dispensing Justice Locally: The Implementation and Effects of the Midtown Community Court, New York: Gordon and Breach, M. Sviridoff, D. Rottman, B. Ostrom, and R. Curtis, 2000
- “Public Opinion on the Courts: A Primer” The Court Manager, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2000.
- “Does Effective Therapeutic Jurisprudence Require Specialized Courts (and Do Specialized Courts Imply Specialist Judges)?” Court Review, Vol. 37, No. 1 (Spring). 2000.
- "Therapeutic Jurisprudence in the Courts" Behavioral Sciences & the Law 18, P. Casey and D. Rottman, 2000.
- "Focus on Business and Complex Litigation Courts," 1 Civil Action: A Briefing on Civil Justice Reform Initiatives 1 (August 2000). P. Hannaford, D. Rottman and R. Gonzalez.
- State Court Organization 1998, Washington D.C.: S. Government Printing Office. D. Rottman, M. Cantrell, C. Flango, R. Hansen, C. Moninger, and N. LaFountain, 2000
- Tort Trials and Verdicts in Large Counties, 1996. Washington DC: Bureau of Justice Statistics Bulletin (NCJ 179769.) DeFrances, M. Litras, L. Gifford, D. Rottman, N. LaFountain, and B. Ostrom, June 2000.
- “Public Trust and Confidence in the Courts: What Public Opinion Surveys Mean to Judges” Court Review, Vol. 36, No. 3 (Fall). D. Rottman and A. Tomkins, 1999.
- “Therapeutic Jurisprudence and the Emergence of Problem-Solving Courts” National Institute of Justice Journal. Rottman and P. Casey, Summer, 1999.
- “Understanding Civil Justice Reform in Anglo-American Legal Systems: United States: So Many States, So Many Reforms." Justice System Journal, 20, No. 2, R. Hanson and D. Rottman, 1999.
- “On Public Trust and Confidence: Does Experience with the Courts Promote or Diminish It?” Court Review, Vol. 35, No. 4, 1999.
- A Guide to Court and Community Collaboration. Williamsburg, VA: National Center for State Courts, D. Rottman, H. Efkeman, and P. Casey, 1998.
- Sentencing Digest: Examining Current Sentencing Issues and Policies. Williamsburg, VA: National Center for State Courts, B. Ostrom, N. Kauder, D. Rottman, and M. Peterson, 1998.
- “Bringing the Public In: Collaborations Between Courts and Communities,” pp. 131-150 in K. Dunlap (ed.) Community Justice: Concepts and Strategies. Lexington, KY: American Probation and Parole Association. Efkeman and D. Rottman, 1998.
- Dispensing Justice Locally: The Implementation and Effects of the Midtown Community Court. New York: Fund for the City of New York. Sviridoff, D. Rottman, B. Ostrom, and R. Curtis, 1997.
- “Community-Focused Courts: Progress on a Development Initiative." State Court Journal, Vol. 20, No. 2. H. Efkeman and D. Rottman, 1997.
- “The Predictability of Punitive Damages." Journal of Legal Studies" XXVI, No. 2, (June) T. Eisenberg, J. Goerdt, B. Ostrom, D. Rottman, and M. Wells, 1997.
- “Litigational Outcomes in State and Federal Courts: A Statistical Portrait." Seattle University Law Review 19 No. 3 (Spring). T. Eisenberg, J. Goerdt, B. Ostrom, and D. Rottman, 1996.
- “Community Courts: Prospects and Limits." National Institute of Justice Journal, August 1996.
- “A Step above Anecdote: A Profile of the Civil Jury in the 1990s." Judicature, 79, No.5 (March-April). B. Ostrom, D. Rottman, and J. Goerdt, 1996
- “Trial Court Unification in the 1990s: Themes and Concerns.” The Court Manager, Vol. 11 No. 3 (Summer.) Rottman and W. E, Hewitt, 1996.
- "What are Tort Awards Really Like: The Untold Story from the State Courts," Law and Policy, 14, No. 1. B. Ostrom, D. Rottman, and R. Hanson, January 1992.
- "Measuring Trial Court Consolidation," Justice System Journal, 16, No. 1. V. V. Flango and D. Rottman, 1992.
- "Caseloads in the State Courts: Volume, Composition, and Growth," State Court Journal, 15, No. 2. D. Rottman and B. Ostrom, Spring, 1991.
- "Tort Litigation in the State Courts: Evidence from the Trial Court Information Network," State Court Journal, Vol. 14, No. 4. Rottman, Fall, 1990.
- Trial Court Structure and Performance: A Contemporary Reappraisal, Williamsburg, VA: National Center for State Courts. Rottman and W. Hewitt, 1996.
- State Court Organization 1993. Washington D.C.: S. Government Printing Office. D. Rottman, C. Flango, and R. Lockley, 1995.
- State Court Caseload Statistics, 1989. Williamsburg, Virginia: National Center for State Courts. Rottman, B. Ostrom, S. Hairston, K. Way, and C. Flango, 1990.
- State Court Caseload Statistics, 1988. Williamsburg, Virginia: National Center for State Courts. Rottman, B. Ostrom, T. Stickle, K. Way, and C. Flango, 1989.
- State Court Model Statistical Dictionary: Second Edition. Williamsburg, Virginia: National Center for State Courts. Rottman, T. Stickle, K. Way, and C. Flango, 1989.
- State Court Caseload Statistics, 1987. Williamsburg, Virginia: National Center for State Courts. Rottman, B. Ostrom, T. Stickle, K. Way, and C. Flango, 1988.
- "Environment, Organization, and Effectiveness: A Biographical Approach," Journal of Management Studies, 24, No. 6. J. R. Kimberly and D. Rottman, November 1987.
- State Court Caseload Statistics, 1986. Williamsburg, Virginia: National Center for State Courts. Rottman, C. Boersema. T. Stickle, and K. Way, 1988.
- National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship, 1970
- Staff Excellence Award, National Center for State Courts, 2005
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David B. Rottman, Ph.D.
David B. Rottman, Ph.D., a Principal Court Research Consultant formerly at the National Center for State Courts, discusses the Harvard Executive Session.