Justice Speaks Podcast Episode #38
In this episode, Justice Speaks continues in its new direction of interviewing significant leaders in the justice community. In this episode, we interview Chief Mack Jenkins, the former head of the San Diego probation department. We also break the news that he has joined the Justice Speakers Institute (JSI) and accepted the position of Vice President.
Chief Jenkins starts the interview by discussing his family’s history. He recounts how his father was stationed on one of ships that was attacked in Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, and then talks about how his mother, the daughter of Arkansas share croppers, raised him and his nine other siblings.
Chief Mack Jenkins, of the San Diego Probation Department
We discuss how Chief Jenkins became the head of the San Diego probation department, which at the time had 3000 employees with 20,000 individuals under the department’s supervision. He goes on to describe the difficulties, as Chief, in answering to several “bosses” and the other challenges of that role. He focuses on how he strove to improve the department by implementing probation best practices. He argues those practices improve not only probation supervision, but also makes the community safer. He also talks about how specialty courts have had a major beneficial impact on the justice system.
Chief Jenkins then talks about his role as a board member of the National Association of Drug Court Professionals and how he thought it was important to take a leadership role in a number of state and national criminal justice organizations. He expresses his view that probation is a vital tool in protecting the community and in changing the individual under supervision.
During the interview, we focus on one of his numerous awards he received and how it humbled him.
Finally, Chief Jenkins talks about his new role as Vice President of JSI and how he sees it as a means of continuing to improve the justice system.
To learn more about Chief Mack Jenkins, click HERE to see his bio and additional information.
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