Brian Chodrow
Brian Chodrow has been worked in the criminal justice field for over 40 years, at the federal, state and local levels. A graduate of the Pennsylvania State University with a B.S. in Law Enforcement and Corrections, he later obtained a juris Doctor degree from the Mississippi College School of Law. His experience includes being a law enforcement officer, probation and parole officer, hearing officer and most recently an investigator for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration where he enforced regulatory statutes and regulations concerning the certification and importation of motor vehicles. During his work experiences, he developed numerous programs, including DWI Courts, training for law enforcement officers and prosecutors, education in traffic safety for the judiciary. Many of these programs included policy and curriculum development. He is regarded as an expert in traffic safety, including program develop for a myriad of areas such as criminal justice, school bus safety, older drivers and most recently importation of motor vehicles. He has counseled numerous internal and external entities concerning these areas.
- Alcohol and Other Drugs
- Constitutional Law
- Corrections and Reentry
- Ethics
- Law Enforcement
- Post Sentencing Offender Supervision
- Problem Solving Courts
- Traffic Safety
- Treatment
Throughout my career, I have presented at a number conferences, trainings, etc. These have run the gamut from criminal justice to older driver to importing motor vehicles. Some of the organizations that I have presented to include:
- American Bar Association
- American Occupational Therapists Association
- American Probation and Parole Association
- National Association of Drug Court Professionals (All Rise)
- National Conference of Supreme Court Justices
- National District Attorneys Association
- National Association of Prosecutor Coordinators
- National Judicial College
- National School Bus Association
- U.S. Customs and Border Protection
- American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators
- Arkansas Criminal Justice Institute
- Virginia Alcohol Safety Program
- Indiana Continuing Legal Education
- Contributing writer - Leukefeld, C., Gregrich, J., & Gulluotta, T.P. Handbook on Evidence Based Substance Abuse Treatment Practice in Criminal Justice Settings. New York: Springer. 2011
- Community Conversations with Y2K, Police Chief Magazine, July 1999.
- Preparing Law Enforcement for Y2K, IACP, 1999.
- Feasibility of Using Explosive Taggants, Legislative Report, Virginia State Police, 1998.
- 2023 NHTSA Administrators Award (Superior Achievement | Importation of Motor Vehicles and Equipment)
- 2016 DOT Secretary's Award (NHTSA Rose Garden Team)
- 2012 DOT Secretary's Award (MAP-21 Reauthorization)
- 2009 DOT Secretary's Award (CARS Project - Compliance Division)
- 2008 NHTSA Administrators Award (Ignition Interlock Team)
- 2006 DOT Secretary's Award (SAFETEA-LU Implementation Team)
- 2006 NHTSA Administrators Team Award (New Mexico)
- 2004 National Judicial College Award of Achievement
- 2003 NHTSA Administrators Award for Superior Achievement
- 2002 NHTSA Administrators Award for Superior Achievement
Click here to download his full resume.