Geoffrey Twitchell, Ph.D.
Dr. Geoffrey Twitchell is a licensed (CA Board of Psychology, 1999) forensic clinical psychologist with training and treatment expertise in the cross-section of criminal behavior, addiction, and severe mental illness. He recently served as Forensic Behavioral Health Manager for Sacramento County and Treatment Director for San Diego County Probation. In these roles, Dr. Twitchell functioned as liaison to county justice partners including Sheriff’s Department, Public Defender, District Attorney’s Office, Superior Court and Behavioral Health Services. Dr. Twitchell led the development of a training curriculum specifically designed for clinicians to enhance their ability to work with complex justice involved individuals, and address both criminogenic as well as traditional clinical issues such as substance use and mental illness that are often present. Published evaluation results of this six-day learning academy demonstrated significant improvement in provider skills, willingness, and motivation to work collaboratively with criminal justice partners. As a clinician who understands the unique philosophies and languages of both criminal justice and behavioral health professions, a priority training focus is on bridging public safety and behavioral health cultures for optimal client outcomes in the areas of recidivism reduction, substance use and mental illness through collaborative case planning. Training incorporates the Interprofessional Collaborative Practice model and competencies. Dr. Twitchell holds a clinical faculty appointment at the University of California San Diego, Department of Psychiatry. He received his Bachelor’s from the University of Washington, his doctorate from Michigan State University and a Postdoctoral Fellowship at UCLA Integrated Substance Abuse Programs.
- Cross-training Criminal Justice and Behavioral Health Professionals
- Curriculum and Training Development for Criminal Justice and Behavioral Health Collaborations
- Interprofessional Collaborative Practice
- Justice Involved Populations
- Recidivism Reduction
- Neurobiological Substrates of Substance Use and Behavioral Dysregulation
- Evidence Based Practice in Community Corrections and Behavioral Health
- Reentry Programming
- Treatment Outcome Evaluation
- Quality Assurance
- Suicide Prevention in Custody
- Best Practice Juvenile Justice Programming
- Substance Use Disorders/Addiction
- Trauma Informed Care
- Severe Mental Illness
- Criminal Justice and Behavioral Health Partnerships: Results of San Diego’s Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Learning Academy and Curriculum for Mental Health Providers Working with the Justice Involved, Forensic Mental Health Association of California, San Diego, California, 2022
- Justice Involved Services Training Academy (JISTA): Curriculum and Training for Mental Health Providers Working with the Justice Involved, American Correctional Association, San Diego, California, 2020
- Building Your Community’s Infrastructure to Provide Effective Treatment For The Justice Involved, UCSD 48th Annual Summer Clinical Institute in Addiction Studies, La Jolla, California, 2019
- Using Research to Improve Outcomes for Youth in Custody and Crossover Youth: San Diego’s Approach to System Reform, National Conference on Juvenile Justice, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2019
- Perspectives From Professional Experts: Meeting the Challenge of Jail Diversion for the Unserved and Underserved, Forensic Mental Health Association of California, Monterey, California, 2019
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy & Relapse Prevention Strategies, KETHEA Training Institute, Athens, Greece, 2019
- Introduction to Motivational Interviewing. KETHEA Training Institute, Athens, Greece, 2018
- Training and Technical Assistance in Evidence Based Practice Builds Community Capacity to Treat the Unique Needs of Justice-Involved Individuals with Mental Illness, National Association of Mental Illness, Monterey, California, 2018
- Identifying and Addressing Trauma in San Diego’s Justice Involved Youth Population, Meeting of the Minds, San Diego, California, 2017
- The Correctional Program Checklist and Promoting Effective Practices With Justice Involved Youth and Adult Offenders With Mental Illness, Words to Deeds, Sacramento, California, 2016
- No Sustain, No Gain: Sustaining CBT Training Initiatives for Community Corrections Officers, International Community Corrections Association, Boston, Massachusetts, 2015
- Developing and Sustaining Agency Cultures that Support Cognitive-Behavioral Skills in Community Corrections Officers: Implementation Challenges and Lessons Learned, North American Correctional and Criminal Justice Psychology, Ottawa, Canada, 2015
- Screening, Diagnosing and Treating Mental Health Disorders in Justice Involved Populations, California Association of Pretrial Services, San Diego, California, 2015
- DHEA as a Cocaine Pharmacotherapy: Preliminary Results of a Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial, College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2000
- Serotonin Transporter Promoter Polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) Genotype is Associated with Behavioral Disinhibition and Negative Affect in Children of Alcoholics, Research Society on Alcoholism, Denver, Colorado, 2000
- Association of a Serotonin Transporter Promoter Polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) with Peripheral Measures of Serotonin Function in Nuclear Families, International Meeting on the Genetic Epidemiology of Complex Traits, Churchill College, Cambridge, England, 2000
- Personality Characteristics of Male Community Alcoholics: Examining Subtype Differences on the NEO Five Factor Inventory, International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Quebec City, Canada, 1996
- Preparing Mental Health Professionals To Work With Justice Involved Clients: Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Paves The Way, Social Work in Mental Health, 2021
- Making the Conversation a Little Easier for Probation and Parole Officers: Using Motivational Interviewing to Discuss Client Suicidal Ideation and Attempts, Federal Probation Journal, 2021
- Predictors of Forensic CBT Group Attendance and Program Completion, Social Work with Groups, 2018
- Implications of Sentencing Reform on Mental Health Symptoms in the Declining Juvenile Justice Populations, Journal of Applied Juvenile Justice Services, 2017
- Comparison of General and Detailed HIV Risk Assessments Among Methamphetamine Abusers. AIDS and Behavior, 2002
- The Serotonin Transporter Promoter Polymorphism, Peripheral Indexes of Serotonin Function, and Personality Measures in Families with Alcoholism, American Journal of Medical Genetics, 2002
- Pedophilia and Temporal Lobes Disturbances, Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 2000
- The Family As a Unity of Interacting Personalities, Family psychopathology: The Relational Routes of Dysfunctional Behavior, 1998
- Personality test scores as predictors of alcoholism almost a decade later. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1994
- Achievement Award, National Association of Counties, 2017
- Challenge Award, California State Association of Counties, 2017
- Best Practices Award, Council on Mentally Ill Offenders, 2016
- Outstanding Commitment to Youth in the Juvenile Justice System, Juvenile Justice Commission of San Diego, 2015
- Veterans Administration CARE Award, Veterans Affairs Central California Health Care System, 2006
- Veterans Administration CARE Award, Veterans Affairs Central California Health Care System, 2005
- Veterans Administration Performance Goal Award, Veterans Affairs Central California Health Care System, 2004
Click here to download his full resume.