What Will You Contribute Today? 9 Tips for Your Road Safety – Justice Speaks Podcast Earlier this year, I attended a traffic safety conference and one of the speakers asked a very simple question of everyone there: “What will you do TODAY to contribute to making where you live and work safer?” As we look
Will Colorado’s Recreational Marijuana Law Disappear?
Will Colorado’s Recreational Marijuana Law Disappear? Colorado’s Amendment 64 was passed as a ballot initiative in Colorado in 2012. The voters in Colorado approved the Amendment, which amended Article XVIII of the Colorado Constitution. This constitutional amendment allowed for the legalization of recreational marijuana. Colorado is one of four states and the District of Columbia
Therapy Dogs: Are the Courts Going to the Dogs? Justice Speaks Podcast In recent years a new kind of dog has begun to appear in courtrooms. These dogs are used as therapeutic support in two basic circumstances, first, for emotionally vulnerable witnesses and second, for individuals who are participating in a Veteran’s Treatment Court. Going
Justice: Why Am I Seeking It?
Justice: Why Am I Seeking It? I have been working towards finding justice for well over 30 years—first as a prosecutor, then as a trainer of criminal justice professionals, followed by a national-level position advocating for a more effective court system, and now back in the courtroom as a prosecutor—and more. Over time, my perspective
Drug Treatment Court: Essential Background Material
Drug Treatment Court: Essential Background Material I am often asked to provide basic drug treatment court information. I think the following 15 resources are the backbone of any drug treatment court initiative. I would advise each team member to read and be prepared to discuss the materials in order to make good choices on issues
Political Strife in State Supreme Courts
Political Strife in State Supreme Courts State Supreme Courts are “the ultimate judicial tribunal in the court system of a particular state.” The Federal Courts only trumps them when there is a federal question and even then there is sometimes concurrent jurisdiction. On state issues they are the last word and therefore of utmost importance.
Human Trafficking: An Unseen Scourge – Justice Speaks Podcast In this episode, Justice Speakers Institute (JSI) Founder David Wallace speaks with Kimberly Overton Spahos about Human Trafficking. Ms. Overton is currently the Chief Resource Prosecutor at the North Carolina Conference of District Attorneys. Her job requires her to train and educate and speak about issues involving
You Better Watch Out, I’m Telling You Why: Cops Are Cracking Down on Impaired Driving
You Better Watch Out, I’m Telling You Why: Cops Are Cracking Down on Impaired Driving It’s December, a time for joy and sharing special times with family and friends. Are you going out this time of year to celebrate? With all the holiday parties and festive occasions, many partygoers will be drinking. If you’re celebrating
Drugged Driving – It’s Not All About Marijuana – Justice Speaks Podcast Ed Wood of DUID Victim Voices (www.duidvictimvoices.org) reports the results of what may be the first study of the prevalence of Driving Under the Influence of Drugs (DUID) where the arresting officer relies on their assessment of impaired rather than laboratory tests. Wood
Simply Saving Lives
Simply Saving Lives Older Drivers: Are You Prepared? The Baby Boomers are yet again changing business as usual. There are now both low tech and high tech programs and devices that help older drivers with health issues who are involved in a vehicle crash or suffering a medical emergency. Yellow Dot Responding to an aging