Developing Phases in Drug/DWI Courts
Developing Phases in Drug/DWI Courts Why have phases? Virtually all adult drug courts and DWI courts have phases to provide structure for the program and recognize benchmarks along the way to graduation. Drug/DWI Courts tend to be long, rigorous programs, lasting one to two years. Giving the program structure gives the participant bite size pieces
4 Tips for Companies in Combating Drowsy Driving
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Tuesday, 28 June 2016 / Published in Corporate Safety, Road Safety, Traffic Safety
Drowsy Driving
4 Tips for Companies in Combating Drowsy Driving Do you have employees who operate motor vehicles for your company? What steps have you taken to ensure your employees are wide-awake when driving? Do you have a policy? Have you provided education programs? If you answered the last two questions with “no,” you are putting your
According to the Pew Research Center, 68% of Americans have smartphones and 45% have tablet computers.  Along with smart phones and tablets come apps – apps that keep track of airline reservations; apps that count calories; apps that fetch drivers.  There’s an app for just about anything. A new set of apps have been developed
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Thursday, 16 June 2016 / Published in Podcast
Can Judicial Compassion Be Unethical?  Justice Speaks Podcast Veterans’ Treatment Courts Two months ago something happened that has been bothering me ever since. A judge in North Carolina sentenced a man to 24 hours in jail then joined him in the cell for the night. District Court Judge Lou Olivera is a veteran of the
Elder Abuse and Exploitation: An Attack on Vulnerable Victims
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Tuesday, 14 June 2016 / Published in Law
Elder Abuse and Exploitation: An Attack on Vulnerable Victims Editor’s Note: June 15th is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.  Learn more here.  With our ever growing aging population, crimes against older adults are increasing and becoming more widespread.  Since 2010, the senior population (65 and over) has increased 30% compared to an overall population growth
A Perspective on the Syrian Refugee Crisis From Istanbul
Criminal justice reform consultant
Tuesday, 07 June 2016 / Published in Law
Syrian Refugee
A Perspective on the Syrian Refugee Crisis From Istanbul I was recently invited by the Turkish Association of Judicial Unity, (YBD) to be an observer at an international symposium on the Syrian refugee crisis.   It was arranged in cooperation with the law schools of Istanbul and Ankara Universities, the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights
Happy Anniversary, Romer v. Evans
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Tuesday, 31 May 2016 / Published in Law
Happy Anniversary, Romer v. Evans May 20, 2016 marks the 20th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Romer v. Evans. This was the first positive decision by that Court on the issues of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) rights. It overturned a discriminatory Colorado initiative (Amendment 2) that sought to amend the state
Understanding Addiction: An Old Dog Learning New Tricks
Understanding Addiction: An Old Dog Learning New Tricks Over thirty years ago, I walked into a courtroom located in Eaton County, Michigan. I was a new assistant prosecuting attorney (APA) eager to start doing jury trials, to make my community a safer place. I became an APA because I believe that holding people accountable for
Marijuana in the Workplace
Marijuana in the Workplace
Marijuana in the Workplace Along with alcohol and other drugs in the workplace, the advent of the legalization of medical and recreational marijuana in many states requires employers to face a variety of issues related to the use of marijuana by employees. The U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) estimated in 2013
Criminal justice reform consultant
Tuesday, 10 May 2016 / Published in Corporate Safety, Law, Road Safety
Vicarious Liability and Company Vehicles
The common law legal theory of vicarious liability existed long before the invention of the first motor vehicle.  Applying the concept of respondeat superior, courts have held that an employer is responsible for the wrongful acts or omissions of their employees during their scope of their employment. For an act to be considered within the

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