On Monday, December 4, Judge Peggy Hora, who retired from the California Superior Court in 2006 with 21 years on the bench, received the 2017 V. Robert Payant Award for Teaching Excellence. The ceremony was held in Charleston, South Carolina as part of the annual conference of the National Association of State Judicial Educators (NASJE).
The Nuts and Bolts of Drug Testing – Part 2 – Justice Speaks Podcast Best practices for drug testing require frequent, random, long term, and comprehensive testing. This makes it more difficult for participants to use alcohol and other drugs between tests[1] and ultimately, more likely for success in a Treatment Court program. Frequent Testing
Every day 10,000 Baby Boomers (those born between 1946-1964) turn 65 years old and this “Silver Tsunami” will continue for the next 15 years. Within this group of Boomers exits what the American Medical Association calls a “Hidden Epidemic” — 2.5 million American seniors who have substance use disorders. Alcohol abuse is the most common
While the calendar still says it’s fall, in the northern hemisphere many people are starting to see winter conditions: freezing rain and snow covered roads. Every year around this time it seems like people have forgotten how to safely drive in adverse weather conditions. I live in Michigan, a northern state in the United States,
A soldier, let’s call him Joe, was severely wounded in Iraq. He was riding in a vehicle when an IED exploded under it. His physical wounds were treated, if not well, at a battlefield hospital, but his mental ones were untouched. Shortly before he was wounded Joe saw another road bomb kill four friends. He
A huge health problem facing the elderly is misuse of prescription painkillers. Senior citizens take 30% of all prescription medication but they make up only 12% of the population. A recent study of Medicare recipients found that in 2011, about 15 percent were prescribed an opioid when they were discharged from the hospital; three months
Oakland County is suing Michigan. The lawsuit is about attorneys. More specifically, the lawsuit is, in part, about which set of taxpayers pays for attorneys. The lawyer who sued for the county is paid by Oakland County tax dollars; the one representing Michigan is being paid by state taxpayers, including Oakland County. This is not
Tough on Crime is not Smart on Crime – Justice Speaks Podcast The shibboleth “Tough on Crime” is one politicians find quite appealing. The problem is that being tough–without being smart and effective—makes the community less safe and also costs money better spent on other services that have been squeezed dry by the global financial
Do you care about your freedom? If so, this article is for you. Norway and North Korea – What do they have in common? Overall, not much, with a significant difference between the two countries being that Norway is ranked number one on the 2017 World Press Freedom Index and North Korea is ranked 180—the
Voters or legislators in 29 states plus Guam, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana for medical purposes and eight states have legalized it for recreational use. According to the Pew Research Center, at the end of 2016, 57% of U.S. adults say marijuana should be legal despite the fact that the